Made for decisive moments

Starting in 2024, Barem OÜ is the official representative of Spencer Italia Srl in the Baltic countries and Finland.
Spencer Italia Srl is a leading international burial chamber equipment manufacturer with a solid reputation for high-quality design and user-friendliness of products.
The Spencer product range includes over 150 solutions for morgues and funeral directors, including casket lifts, transport trolleys, stretchers for recovery and transport of the body, work and dressing tables, and a wide range of burial chamber accessories - all made in Italy.
Ever since 1989, Spencer has stood out from the competition with its special products designed to withstand long-term use while keeping mortuaries and funeral directors safe and reducing the risk of accidental injury.
The selection of models brought to the market, and their widespread use in more than 160 countries in the world is proof of the undeniable success of the Spencer concept.